Bark Blowing

Work smarter, not harder

Bark Blowing is the fast, professional process that takes the work out of installing beauty bark or bark mulch – all for little more than the cost of shoveling, hauling and spreading the bark yourself! We use state of the art pneumatic equipment which means a clean, uniform and environmentally friendly application. More than 250 feet of reach from our truck means no worry about damage to lawns or plants caused by heavy equipment and wheelbarrows.

Why tackle the back-breaking challenge of barking your property over one or two full weekends, when we can do it professionally in an hour or two? We take extreme care to ensure that the finished project is neat, clean and professional every time.

Why Choose Alpine Bark Blowing?

  • Professional crews with extensive knowledge and experience
  • Timely and outstanding service
  • Commitment to honesty, integrity, and professionalism
  • Premium products made in-house
  • Affordable pricing, competitive with DIY options
  • No more messy bark piles in the driveway
  • Eliminate the need for shovels, wheelbarrows, or strenuous labor

How the Process Works


The first thing you need to do is figure out how much product that you need. You can give us a call and we will come out and give you a free estimate, by measuring everything, and showing you samples and letting you decide which product is best, how much you will need, and the pricing; or you can measure the length and width of the area you will need to come up with your square footage. Once you have your square footage, you will be able to determine how much product you will need. Check out the Yardage Calculator link below in the product image section.

Make the Call

Call in and talk to our friendly, knowledgeable staff for scheduling your blowing service. We try to schedule right then, but occasionally we may have to call you back with a schedule date. We are not able to schedule specific times but feel free to request morning or afternoon and we will work hard to accommodate your needs. If you have any special requests, this is the time to mention them.


We will call you the day before to confirm that we’ll be there and give you an approximate time that you can expect us; typically it’s either morning or afternoon, but again this is just an estimation. Bark Blowing can be a little loud and at times a little dusty, so we’ll remind you to shut your windows and doors and it would be wise to inform your neighbors to do the same. It is also helpful to shut off any sprinkler systems the night before to ensure effective clean up. If you are going to want to be there for the blowing let us know so we can make sure our driver gives you a call when he has a good idea of when he will be there.

On Site

On the day, our blower truck will come to the property with you order. Our professional crew will roll out the hose across your property, typically starting at the furthest point and working back to the truck. They will blow the product into the specified areas maintaining the approximate depth requested. We do our best to uniformly apply the product; however, it’s not an exact science so we only charge for the amount of product used.

The Finishing Touch

After the product has been applied, the crew will come back through with leaf blowers to clean up over spray from sidewalks, patios, and decks and will blow away bark dust from the house leaving a beautifully finished product. Of course there are always exceptions, on wet days cleanup is done to the best of our abilities but you may need to do some additional cleanup after everything dries.

Walk Through

After the product is blown and clean-up is completed our foreman will do a walk-through (with you if you are available) to make certain everything is up to your standards. At this time we will gather up our things, collect for services, give you a big THANK YOU and be on our way.

Follow Up

We will follow up with you either by phone or in person just to make sure you are pleased with our service and quality.

Products Available for Bark Blowing

All of our bark products are availble for blow in, as well as our lawn and garden soil and Bartech compost.

Learn more about these products here:

Yardage Calculator

Enter your dimensions
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